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Leaders in stainless steel weld cleaning machines.


Every fabricator knows that the post weld finishing part of the job is not the most desirable, yet at times can be as much as a third of total labour cost for any given job. Whether it’s using labour intensive abrasives to clean and remove the weld discolouration, or hazardous pickling paste to passivate the weld to restore the corrosion resistant properties that stainless steel is well known for, both of these methods have their downsides.


By using an EASYkleen weld cleaner, these two processes, cleaning and passivating, are merged into one simple process that is faster, safer, and superior than the alternative methods.


Easy Kleen

For the restoration of the chromium depleted layer produced from welding stainless steel.  This process will also passivate the surface that has been cleaned. 


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